

Nokia Lumia 710 Accessories freebies at T-Mobile USA

| March 6, 2012 | 0 Comments

Last week, we heard of a neat promo whereby T-Mobile USA customers who have bought (or will buy until March 31) the Nokia Lumia 710 would get a free Xpress on cover of their choice.

Now for new customers, they are offering some more freebies worth $50. And you can still get the offer above.

Nokia Lumia 710 – Black

Free starter kit with purchase of phone !
FREE Accessories !

For a limited time, switch to T-Mobile ®, or add a new line, and get free accessories when you purchase a Nokia Lumia 710 ($50 value) :

• Black Nokia Lumia Gel Skin
• Car Charger
• Motorola BlueTooth® headset

While supplies last. Images simulated.

Thanks Kaizer Allen  for the tip!



Category: Accessories, Lumia, Nokia, Windows Phone

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