

Speculations: Carla Might not be FeaturePack-1 or Even FeaturePack-2

| March 23, 2012 | 39 Replies

Ever since We first got hint that Carla was being tested internally on Nokia’s developers Bug report I’ve made it my business to pop in every now and then to check on things; but then the 808 happened and everyone assumed that Belle FP1 was codename for Carla in disguise; but today I popped into the developers site for a bit of site seeing (even though I should be studying) and I found another bug report filed for Carla, the actual bug isn’t that interesting but what is interesting is that the reporter calims that this bug WAS NOT PRESENT IN FP2 But is present in Carla, which by the laws of logic would mean that Carla is not FP1 or even FP2.

Carla devices, in older versions like fp2 it works well , I tested this
simultaneously on Carla and fp2 device using same operator simcard , fp2
devices were able to report networkname which means the info was present in the
signal . but Carla couldnt.

Personally I find this a really interesting turn of events, first we were told that there would only be two more updates to Symbian: Carla & Donna, no we see that FP1 & FP2 are coming BEFORE we even see Carla; looks like Symbians life-line is a bit longer than we thought…


Category: Nokia, Symbian

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Hey, my name's Ali- Currently a fifth (and final) year Dental Student from Chicago; studying in Jordan. I love all sorts of gadgets almost as much as I love my cookies! Be sure to follow my Twitter handle @AliQudsi and Subcribe to my Youtube for the latest videos - no pressure. Thanks.