Video: New Nokia 808 PureView hands on (24-03-12) Gallery zooming.
Here’s a recent hands on of the Nokia 808 PureView. At least I hope so – I waited to see the date and it says 24th March.
It’s looking better and better each time I see it. I’ve never seen Symbian looking so smooth.
Look at this picture of the flowers. Note, it appears washed out because the camera recording is having issues with the exposure. When zoomed in the flowers are stunning.
Now look at the crazy zooming. Note, this camera recording the hands on is having difficulty with autofocusing. Also the screen is only nHD so you can’t really appreciate the detail. But still. This looks amazing!
In landscape view. Same photo, slightly zoomed in.
Zoomed in quite a lot, eh?
Let’s go in some more!
BTW I noticed in the gallery, this camera has exactly the same photos as the one in that ndtv review that sparked some heated conversation.
At the end, they take a picture with the 808 PureView. Unfortunately, we don’t get to see that (and there is not really a preview. You just see the picture being moved to gallery and the view finder being ready again).
Erm, I really want a Nokia 808 PureView please, Nokia. 🙂
Oh, the video.
I had a short handson of Nokia 808 at Dolby Lounge – FICCI Frames 2012. The device which was a prototype, was quite smooth in User Experience
by gaurav5583
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