

Mysterious Nokia appears again, suggests Windows Phone 8? (Fake?)

| April 3, 2012 | 0 Comments

Phone Arena is reporting on a little poster for possible upcoming Nokia phones powered by Windows Phone 8.

Perhaps, a little too late for April Fools? The images could easily be faked. It is apparently just a template.

I thought Nokia was sticking to just Nokia (without the connecting people bit?). I can’t tell what part of the phone, design wise, is apparently breaking limits. It might just be a placeholder for the actual WP8 phone.

Although there is something interesting.

We’ve seen a similar design to this before.

Which was actually a handset that appeared in a very early ‘leak’

The bright multicoloured bezel screams of the youthful 610.

Cheers ‘USER’ for the tip.


Category: Nokia, Rumours, Windows Phone

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