

Nokia 808 PureView wins TIPA Best Innovation Award – Revolution in mobile imaging!

| April 24, 2012 | 41 Replies

Congratulations Nokia 808 PureView. It is recognized in the 2012 TIPA awards for best imaging innovation. TIPA, which describes itself as ‘the most coveted photo and imaging awards worldwide’   praises the 808 with the following:

Camera phones have often been criticized for inferior photo quality. But those days are over now that Nokia PureView technology has arrived. As implemented in the pioneering Nokia 808 PureView, a comparatively huge sensor – both in terms of physical size (1/1.2 inch) and resolution (41 MP) – serves as the key to real world photographic performance. Nokia PureView technology also uses smart pixel oversampling techniques for lossless digital zooming and noise free photos and videos. Nokia PureView technology is only the beginning of a revolution in mobile imaging, as Nokia promises to bring it to more products in the future.

This is a breakthrough for imaging in mobile, so much so that it probably isn’t fair to the mobile device category (which has been awarded to the Galaxy Nexus…really? I just thought there were better imaging devices available). The days of inferior photoquality in mobiles are over (well they have been with N82, and N8 already, but it’s good to reiterate perhaps).

Can you name all the previous Nokia’s that have won TIPA awards? (It won’t be too hard, it’s all the significant camera phone ones 🙂 )

Source: TIPA

Via: NokConv via Unwired/NokiaPowerUser

Cheers Madratz, KF, Adriati, John and Adnan for the tip.


Category: Nokia, Symbian

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