

Nokia Press: Patent Infringements and Carl Zeiss


Two things that have gone up recently at Nokia Press relate to patent infringements, and also the Carl Zeiss-Nokia partnership. First up, let’s look at the patent infringements.

Nokia are claiming that HTC and Viewsonic have infringed on their patents in the US, and that HTC and RIM have infringed patents in Dusseldorf, Germany, with all three OEMs infringing in Munich. “In total, 45 Nokia patents are in suit in one or more of the actions”. It doesn’t say directly what the violations are, but claim that

proprietary innovations protected by these patents are being used by the companies to enable hardware capabilities such as dual function antennas, power management and multimode radios, as well as to enhance software features including application stores, multitasking, navigation, conversational message display, dynamic menus, data encryption and retrieval of email attachments on a mobile device.

have been used without consent. The only thing I can think of is the new BB10 reminding me of Harmattan a little bit, or the One X have te polycarbonate body. That’s nothing to take legal action against. (Or are times that tough?) Nokia are stating that they would;

rather that other companies respect our intellectual property and compete using their own innovations, but as these actions show, we will not tolerate the unauthorized use of our inventions.

In regards to the Carl Zeiss Nokia partnership, Nokia are saying it has been “extended”, which essentially just means that the great imaging technology will come to Lumia stronger than before. This s supported by Nokia themselves, in saying

“Carl Zeiss was a crucial partner in the creation of the first PureView experience,” said Jo Harlow, executive vice president of Nokia Smart Devices. “The benefits of our ongoing collaboration will be more PureView innovation and further advancements in smartphone imaging in the coming months and years.”

Reading that, I can only see one thing. Nokia Lumia PureView to be announced at Nokia World, if not earlier. Coming months for Nokia is usually 5-6, which fits Nokia World’s dates of end of September. Having a good feeling about this year. Nokia just need to make sure they blow everyone out of the park at NW2012, otherwise it will be a huge let down and even harder for them to climb back to power.

A post was also released about the 808 PureView’s roll out, which was covered here



Category: HTC, Press Release, Symbian, Windows Phone

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Hi! My name is Michael. I currently live in Sydney, working on all things Digital Marketing. I have a real passion for the latest technology and I'm a real Nokia buff! My aim is to keep those of you, like myself, updated with the latest in what's going on in the Nokia World. Get in touch on Twitter via @MFaroTusino, or even simply drop me an email at mike.mnb[at] or tips[at]