

Video: Nokia Lumia 610 review (+Nokia Lumia 610 priced in UK)

| May 31, 2012 | 0 Comments


Couple of posts before I dash of to Preston to continue our never-ending house hunt and estate agent problems.

First up: Nokia Lumia 610 video review. This is in Italian.

There is a written portion which can be put in a translator:

The Nokia Lumia 610 has been priced in the UK – £15 on contract. This could be expected to come down a little bit more. Doing a quick check it is possible to get it cheaper than this. £13.50 and even less if you do a bundle. Do check the available minutes/calls/data as you often would get more for the same contract price when the phone has a lower RRP.

I would advise that it might be better value to get the 710 unlocked/800 on contract. I think the 800 can actually be bought for £15.50 and you get a Monster headset if purchased by today.

Cheers Kaizer Allen and Vikas patidar for the tip!


Category: Nokia

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