

So here’s Nokia Maps 3D…in iOS

| June 11, 2012 | 216 Replies

We were absolutely astonished and so proud to see Nokia Maps 3D’s mind blowing photorealistic 3D maps. It was unlike anything we had seen before. We begged for it to appear in mobile devices. Did it? No.

Later we heard that the future was rather bleak given that Apple had gone and acquired C3 – the folks behind the 3D coolness of Nokia Maps 3D.

Today, Apple announced iOS 6, from their ‘200’ features includes a slap to both google and Nokia’s face. Apple as expected is going their own route with navigation and is doing it with some style. You would not expect anything less from them. Every time they enter something they have a purpose about them and they do deliver something just that little bit extra.

:/ Three cheers again for Nokia. You see good ideas here first and then Apple and friends will see that to market and make it popular!


Category: Nokia

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