

Video: Nokia Reaction, very intuitive NFC Bluetooth Headset announced – demoed with Nokia N9 #earDetection

| June 14, 2012 | 0 Comments

Well, well, well – the much awaited Nokia Reaction bluetooth headset is now official. Much awaited as its name was leaked a few times on Navifirm.

I was hoping it would be a successor to the bH-905 (though there was a small possibility it would be instead part of the 904 earpiece family)

This bluetooth headset is NFC capable, BUT it has something cool called ‘ear detection’ where if you decide to pick up the phone instead, it will automatically accept the call through the phone. LOL, I’ve had a few instances in the past wondering why I couldn’t hear the caller, forgetting the BT headphones were active.

Contains 3 integrated microphones and volume control – helps you hear the world talk without raising the volume.

Advanced always ready feature – the moment you take it out of the holster, it connects to receive calls. Whilst in the holster of course, it stays powered down.

I like it – it’s a very intuitive bluetooth earpiece.

I love that chair. That’s a bluetooth Luna headset right? :p


Category: Accessories, Nokia

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