

Video: Nokia 808 PureView Tips (Part 2): How to capture Bokeh pictures

| June 15, 2012 | 2 Replies

Here’s part 2 to the Nokia 808 PureView Camera tips. This one is about getting bokeh, which basically is about being selective about the depth of field such that there is a clear subject in focus, and other things are out of focus.

This is normally achieved by having subjects in the foreground in focus whilst the background is a lovely, mellow blur. However, you can experiment by having different aspects of the picture in focus. You can see both examples of this in the video.

Tap focus on the 808 is useful in allowing you to press where you’d like the focus point to be. Previously on Symbian, we would use the shutter button to lock something into focus and then move the camera again to reposition the frame and recompose the shot. This takes that step out. Some people may prefer to stick with the long way.

Natural Bokeh on the 808 is probably the best seen on a phone. I say natural because it is possible to achieve similar selective blurs with photoapps. Many however don’t get it quite right and it looks odd when things on the same distance have different levels of blurring.



Category: Nokia, Symbian, Video

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