

Lumiappaday #229: Harbor Master demoed on the Nokia Lumia 900 XboxLive

| July 1, 2012 | Reply


This is Harbor Master, a really fun Xbox Live title where, like Flight Control (#181) or Airport, you have to direct the right boats to the right dock. BUT you have to escort them out too and another boat cannot dock if it’s already busy. If a boat collides with another boat, it crashes and it’s game over.

#229) Harbor Master 

Price:  £2.29



Developer Blurb:


The best selling addictive action game Harbor Master is now available on Windows Phone 7!


Relax and let the sounds of the sea transport you far away. You are the Harbor Master in a busy harbor. Direct boats into the docks, watch them unload their cargo, and direct them off the screen. But be careful not to let the boats crash, and watch out for the pirates, monsters, and cyclones!


With seven maps to explore, each with its own twist and challenge, and Xbox LIVE leaderboards and achievements to compete on, you won’t be able to put it down!


Design: 9

Usability: 9

Performance: 9 

Price: 8


Category: Applications, Lumiappaday, Nokia, Symbian, Windows Phone, XboxLive

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