

Accessories: Nokia Lumia 900 Soft Case cover (CC-1037)

| July 2, 2012 | 0 Comments

The last accessory to share with you today is another case, this time for the Nokia Lumia 900.

It’s a ‘soft case’ cover, like the silicone one you’d get with the Nokia Lumia 800. This is black which may suit a black Lumia 900 better than the white one as you can see a little border appears. There’s a gap at the bottom because I stretched the case a little too much when putting the phone inside.

We got this from as well, they have a wide range of phone covers available.

BTW there’s a really nice Nokia Lumia 900 leather case that I saw back in Helsinki though it seems to be non existent in shops.



Category: Accessories, Nokia

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