

NokConv Nokia Lumia 900: New in PINK for AT&T + High satisfaction results from consumers

| July 10, 2012 | 29 Replies



A couple of Nokia Lumia 900 related posts from NokConv.

Firstly, they apparently released a ‘pink’ Nokia Lumia 900 to AT&T.

Sometimes I would call magenta pink, but apparently this is actually not just magenta but an actual pink as previously reported.

Secondly NokConv reports on Nielsen and Net Promoter scores for the Nokia Lumia 900 which are quite positive:

  • 96 per cent of owners are extremely satisfied or somewhat satisfied with their Lumia 900
  • 95 per cent of owners are willing to recommend the Lumia 900
  • 83 per cent say that their expectations are better or much better than expected
  • 85 per cent say they would repurchase the Lumia 900

Nok Conv said about the Net Promoter Score:

As a rule of thumb, a NPS score above 0 is good and above 50 is excellent. The NPS for the Nokia Lumia 900 is 63.


Details on the survey:

The survey was conducted for Nokia by leading market researchers, Nielsen, between April 27, 2012 and on May 18, 2012.

A total of 810 people spent an average 18 minutes completing an online questionnaire.  All the respondents had bought a Nokia Lumia 900 in the United States within the previous 45 days and was the primary user of the device.

 Cheers all for the tip!

Category: Lumia, Nokia, Windows Phone

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