

Lumiappaday #240: FlashVideo for WP7 demoed on the Nokia Lumia 900

| July 12, 2012 | 0 Comments

This is an app called “Flashvideo for WP7” and from the name  you can guess that it allows you to play flash videos on your Nokia Lumia.

It’s a little pricey at $4.99/£3.99 but if watching flash videos on mobile is important to you then you might want to take a look at this app. The guy who made this says he’s a student and he’ll be trying to do at least monthly updates. A trial is available so you can see if your favourite flash video sites will work on your phone.

The ones I tried do so I picked it up. When there’s a link to a flash video, press the scan button and the video player will start. It will buffer and play (or even resume where you were last). You can even download these videos so you can watch them later at your own time.

I’ve had this app as a trial on my 800 for a while but it didn’t work the first time I tried it and had ignored it up until now. As you can see in the video it streams high quality stuff quite well. The 900’s screen is pretty nice for viewing videos.

Before you ask, YES even those sites work. Tested it. For science.

#240) FlashVideo for WP7 

Price:  $4.99/£3.99



Developer Blurb:

This app will give you the chance to watch (and save) your favorites series, movies and live sports on your WP7!
It’s not a full Flash Player (yet), it works only on some sites!

v7.3 -New “Ultra-Scan” engine (You don’t need to choose anymore the links on sport and video sites) -AllMyVideos and others sites corrected -Lumia 610 now working
v7.2 -Fixed PutLocker & SockShare & RuTube & AllMyVideos
v7.0 -Live Sports Streams! -New interface! -Fixes for some video sites -RuTube and MovShare added

v6.99 -Fixed GorillaVid, OVFile, AutoResume and Scan
v6.2 -Fixed video download in many sites -Auto-Resume -Added VK, OVFile, uFLiQ, 2GB, VuReel
v6.1 -Fixed PutLocker & SockShare -Added AllMyVideos, DaClips, GorillaVid, MovPod -Better seeking
v6 -Music + Video Hub integrated! Resume last watched videos from there! -Removed not working video sites -MixtureVideo and ModoVideo support -New Download Manager / Saved Videos Folder -Video titles
v5 -Personal Bookmarks! -Sites History -Ultra Fast Resume -MegaVideo/PutLocker fixes -Animations -Smooth fast forward/rewind -Much better scan -Many Fixes
v4 -Now you can download your videos at home using WiFi and watch them later from phone memory! -Fixed VideoBB & MegaVideo -Added SockShare, VideoZer, NovaMov, VideoWeed -Many bugfixes
v3: -Putlocker support -Fast buffering -Better scan -Fullscreen mode -Less crashes
v2: -VideoBB support -Links scan -Favorites sites
The trial version opens this market page every 3 minutes but you can go back to the movie. A guide can be found in app. Be calm, it’s something very experimental (because every site that gathers video links is different), probably you will meet small problems.

Contact me through the app!

I am a student computer fan of some TV series, please buy my app if you like it, it is almost become a full time job for me. I should be able to release monthly updates!



Design: 7

Usability: 8

Performance: 8 

Price: 7


Category: Applications, Lumiappaday, Nokia, Windows Phone

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Hey, thanks for reading my post. My name is Jay and I'm a medical student at the University of Manchester. When I can, I blog here at and tweet now and again @jaymontano. We also have a twitter and facebook accounts @mynokiablog and Check out the tips, guides and rules for commenting >>click<< Contact us at tips(@) or email me directly on jay[at]