

Nielsen’s Q2 2012 US Mobile Subscriber market share estimates.

| July 13, 2012 | 0 Comments

Here’s a report from Nielsen showing marketshare numbers for USA. Whilst there have been news that Nokia was selling the most out of the current gen Windows Phones, Nielsen shows that they are still behind Samsung/HTC for overall phones in US.

Total marketshare for Windows Phone in USA is 1.3%, still less than the 3% of older generation Windows Mobile devices. Nokia’s WP share of 0.3% is also still less than the total Symbian sales from the past.

Note: another table to look at for current USA sales is

This shows Windows Phone current sales at 3% whilst Symbian is at 0.5%. Although it doesn’t look like it, both of these Nokia used platforms grew from this time last year.

It takes a very long time to get overall marketshare numbers – as evident by the amount of time Symbian had been top in terms of current installed user base (it’s difficult to trust statcounter on this one as they’ve been including S40 into Symbian up until April 2012, hence why there seems to be an insane crash afterwards as S40 had been propping up Symbian marketshare data for Statcounter).

Statcounter’s findings (1.02%) for WP is quite similar to Nielsens. Symbian shows up at 0.32%. Note, statcounter is based on browser activity of all current handsets in use, not just what had been sold.

Cheers skyfall for the heads up


Category: Nokia

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