

Video: How Nokia Drive can make your commute even easier

| July 20, 2012 | 29 Replies

This is Nokia’s promo for the new update for Nokia Drive that brings some handy features to your commute.

With the new Nokia Drive, it can learn your journeys and anticipate your driving habits. Quite nicely they show the tile indicating how long that commute would take. When ready, just tap the tile. I like the inclusion of the morning chores (breakfast, shower).

Now you can see Nokia Drive in action, with the actual driver in an actual car on an actual road (it might sound silly but this is much better than simply displaying the phone screen).

Can you imagine what Nokia Drive would be like in WP8 when full voice control is available to developers? You could talk to Nokia Drive and tell it to reroute or find another location before the final destination all without taking your hands off the wheel (or getting someone else) to touch the phone.


Overall, good production on the video for a web promo. I’d like something like this (with a little bit more polish, more concise) to be a TV advert.


Category: Applications, Lumia, Nokia, Windows Phone

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