

MNB RG: Nokia Lumia Pink nail-polish soon in an American city near you

| August 2, 2012 | 0 Comments

Here’s Janne’s second post today for our MNB Reader generated entries; this time on a surprising Nokia branded nail polish. Gimmick? Yes? Fun? Maybe. It’s an interesting angle to pursue.

You know how everyone always jokes about Nokia making tyres or toilet paper? Well, they don’t do either anymore, tyres were spun off years ago and toilet paper is from Nokia’s history decades ago…

But now Nokia is making nail-polish. (Well, at least out-sourcing it from Duality Cosmetics.)

It is called the Nokia Lumia Pink, an exclusive available only at Nokia’s pop-up salons in Dallas, Denver, and Los Angeles where Nicki Minaj’s stylist will be offering pink manipedis.

I assume they expect to promote and sell the pink AT&T Lumia 900 as well, or maybe they are just concerned about your looks.


Cheers again, Janne!



Category: Nokia

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This account is for the stories readers from MNB submit to tips(at)mynokiablog(dot)com as ready to publish articles. Email tips(at)mynokiablog(dot)com if you have a Nokia related story you've written that you'd want to share with MNB's readers. For more information, check out Tips/Guides/Rules for commenting: