

Video: Nokia Asha 311 (full touch S40 capacitive) unboxing and hands on (Vietnamese)

| August 9, 2012 | 0 Comments


These videos were uploaded a couple of days ago but seem to have been buried in stupid unlock-nokia spam videos that youtube refuses to remove as mass advertising because they suck.

Anyway, minirant over, back to the video. This is a video unboxing the nicer of the full touch S40 experiences, the Nokia Asha 311. The 311 looks better, better innards, has capacitive screen to really take advantage of the swiping gestures but will set you back a little bit more than the 305/306.

Just by being capacitive, all the featherlight interactions make more sense. Pinch zooming, brush swiping, scrolling – all effortless and responsive, as opposed to the dog-like resistive which needs effort and disrupts the fluid touch experience.



Category: Asha, Nokia

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