

Blanca Juti leaves Nokia, Jussi Nevanlinna now heading marketing for future Asha

| August 11, 2012 | 0 Comments

According to Jussi Mäkinen, the energetic Blanca Juti (VP Marketing of Mobile Phones) has left Nokia, with Jussi Nevanlinna, Senior Director, Global Head of Developer Product Marketing now heading up the marketing for future Asha.

Blanca famously spiced up Nokia World 2011 with a dance to introduce the new youthful Asha series, as well as putting on an internal show for the launch of the new full Asha Touch.

If you have not heard of Jussi Nevanlinna before, here’s a video of Jussi at Nokia World 2011. Don’t mix him up with the identically named Finnish poker player.

Cheers jiipee for the tip!


Category: Nokia

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