

Weekend Read: 4 Million Euros for Qt?

| August 11, 2012 | 0 Comments

Earlier in the week, we heard that Digia had aquired the rest of Qt from Nokia. No price was known but the ballpark figure available is about 4 Million.

The transaction contained in the business transfer and licensing arrangements for the
net purchase price has been about 4.0 million, paid by Digia
Nokia cash. The arrangement is to take place in 2012, third
During the quarter the arms-length päättämisehtojen after the operation.

I am not sure about the full nature of the transaction and whether it is just 4 million.

Reuters reports the same, and notes the original 150m purchase of TrollTech (Qt) back in 2008.

Some context from TheVerge who points out this is not a ‘like for like’ deal.

“the commercial licensing and services aspects of Qt were sold to Digia last year for an undisclosed sum”


Cheers Joni for the tip!


Category: Nokia

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