

My Dream Nokia #63: 41MP PureView twisty camera WP8/MeeGo Concept with 3x optical zoom.

| August 17, 2012 | 0 Comments

This is the latest work by Edgar Mkrtchyan. It focuses more on the design rather than the dreamed up specifications. As you can see, it looks quite different from the standard smartphone.

It’s inspired by the 3250/N90, models which were supposedly being relived in upcoming Nokias according to rumours.

BTW, Edgar wanted to ask the photoshop pros here a question:

by the way I’d like to ask if anyone among the readers mastery photoshop well, because I find it hard to integrate a screenshot on a surface that is not front … you can do with another free software, easier to use? thank you, now I use FSViewer.

It looks like a regular phone with some pretty decent specs. Nice fat battery, 41mp PureView with 3x optical zoom. That makes it about 9x zoom when recording 1080p or 18x zoom at 720p (optical x smart pureview zoom).

You might think the camera bump is out of place.

This could make for some really high quality self portraits/video blogs as you twist the camera around facing you as well as getting some nice shots of some extreme angles whilst the camera viewfinder is still parallel with your eyes.




Category: Concept, Dream Nokia, MeeGo, Nokia, Windows Phone

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