

Video: Introduction to the full release of the Nokia SDK 2.0 for Java

| August 27, 2012 | 0 Comments


S40 makes up 40% of Nokia Store downloads, with Java as the platform for apps. This video provides a guide to the Nokia SDK 2.0 for Java.

Also interesting to note is the performance differences between the same Java titles between 305/306 and 311.

Mike Arvela, Lead Developer at Futurice, provides a guide to the Nokia SDK 2.0 for Java. Arvela discusses the new APIs delivered in the SDK, such as those providing multipoint-touch support. Then he looks at the new and updated features of the emulator, such as support for Nokia Maps in the route editor and the sensor simulator. This video will provide you with a good overview of what is new and what to expect when you start work with the SDK



Category: Asha, Nokia

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