

Elop to show off all of WP8 today – New Nokia Lumias with wonderful things years in the making.

| September 5, 2012 | 0 Comments

This might be a little jab at Samsung who announced a new phone but merely talked about a shell, Elop says they’re proud and will be unveiling everything.

Any company can choose to stand up and hold a device and say “We’re launching it”. We’re proud, tomorrow, to be showing the very first working Windows Phone 8 device with everything unveiled

WSJ Live via  wpcentral

So that’s the ‘everything will be unveiled tomorrow’ thing going around. WP8 consumer features.

On a similar note and source, on WSJ, Elop says quite a few interesting stuff that doesn’t dampen expectations:

Some of the things you’ll see [Wednesday] you’ll look at and say ‘wow, this has clearly been years in the making, it’s wonderful work— this is the thing that Nokia has always been known for

WPCentral added that Nokia’s Lumia WP8 will have features for differentiation:

Elop also drives the point home that they will be unveiling new features not done by other Windows Phone vendors, nor even Apple—an experience that they need to “break through” to consumers but are confident that they can.


Cheers Vedhas Patkar, Janne, James, arts and Amir for the tip


Category: Lumia, Nokia, Windows Phone

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