

Firefox updated to 15.0 and Home Screen Settings updated to 2.0 on N9?

| September 5, 2012 | 0 Comments

Raj shares some news that FireFox for the Nokia N9 has been updated to v15. Sounds about right given FireFox desktop was updated to v15 not too long ago and N9’s version is always soon after that.

Also, I’m not sure what this is but the homescreen has been updated to v2.0?

Have your received any updates?

Cheers Raj for the tip

Edit: Michael: Just putting my two cents in here guys. Home Screen Settings was updated to v2.0. I’ve shown you guys this app a few times. You will most likely get an error trying to update, as the developer has made the app now Paid. It is definitely worth supporting his great efforts, if not for the app, for the fact that he worked on the N9.

The update brings everything I mentioned from 1.6, but also 3D backgrounds. It is a really nice update!


Category: Maemo, N9Apps, Nokia

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