

V3 Nokia Lumia 920 hands on review (vs OneX) Lumia faster, smoother, better screen.

| September 16, 2012 | 0 Comments

This is not a full on review but V3 have had a bit of time with the Nokia Lumia 920 and have decided to share their experiences.

  • The screen is apparently great, looking much better than the HTC One X. According to Android forums/blogs, One X’s screen is batter than the SGS III’s.
  • Smoother to navigate than HTC One X, faster at loading web pages
  • Didn’t test camera but we know it eats the others already in the preliminary tests.
  • Loving the curved display. Feels more comfortable.

Overall our opening impressions of Nokia’s Lumia 920 are incredibly positive. Even though the device looks incredibly similar to the Lumia 900, even in the short time we had the device, it became increasingly clear that the 920 is a radically different handset, featuring greatly improved tech and software.


Category: Lumia, Nokia, Windows Phone

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