

Video: iPhone 5 vs Nokia Lumia 920

| September 16, 2012 | 0 Comments

Here’s T3 comparing the new iPhone 5 against the new Nokia Lumia 920. It’s quite funny because iPhone’s supposed killer features is ‘Panorama’ and ‘lightning connector’.

I love how the screen makes no mention of being improved Clear Black Display, Super Sensitive touch, and PureMotion HD+.

In terms of processor, they note down that A6 is 2X faster graphics/processor. 2X faster than what? The previous iPhone?

For extras, NFC and Wireless charging is noted for the Lumia 920, whilst Siri and that lightning connector gets a mention for iPhone.

It’s still not sunk in for me that Nokia’s got some pretty decent specs in their phone. So much potential to win on that ground if only Nokia knew how to market things.



Category: Lumia, Nokia, Windows Phone

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