

NokConv: Nokia explains the Super Sensitive Screen

| October 2, 2012 | 0 Comments


Yesterday, there was some commotion based on supposed issues people had blamed on the Nokia Lumia 920 (and 820) Unfortunately for those that delighted in the bad news, there wasn’t any because it was a total non issue.

To explain everything completely, NokConv now has an article that addresses how Super Sensitive Screen works.

BTW, I’ve skim read it before (and most recently in yesterday’s statement from Nokia) but I’m surprised the Nokia Lumia 820 also has Super Sensitive Screen too.

Nokia’s super sensitive touch displays now allows for a wonderful touchscreen user interface, regardless of the input method. Right now, there is nothing else on the market that offers the same experience.

Adaptive technology

Nokia Lumia 920

“The technology is adaptive so it reacts to any conductive object that is touching the screen,” explains Senior Technology Manager Jussi Ropo who has worked on super sensitive touch technology.

“In other words, whether you are using it with gloves or a nail or stylus, it will automatically adjust the sensitiveness to provide the best possible touch screen experience.”

It should also be stressed that super sensitive touch technology does not make the screen more fragile, affect the water resistance or increase the likelihood of coins or keys in your pocket accidentally making calls on your behalf. 

Super sensitive touch will make a big difference, not just for people with long nails or when you are wearing gloves but it enhances the whole touchscreen experience for everyone.

Sometimes, people make a fuss over nothing (though even with yesterday’s statement, it wasn’t enough for ‘some’).  Ah, the trouble of being so popular, eh, Nokia?


Category: Lumia, Nokia

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