

Awesome Nokia 808’s Rich Recording tramples iPhone 5’s hollow sound recording (+Keane 808, Philippines)

| October 8, 2012 | 0 Comments

This was left as a comment in the last post comparing the iPhone 5 against the Nokia 808 PureView. The newer iPhone 5 still has nothing on the Nokia regarding audio-visual quality.

Listen to the richness from the 808 vs the empty hollow sound from the iPhone 5. Where is the bass in the iPhone 5? Some parts sound like a studio track, or even being there at the gig itself when the crowd chants.

I guess the iPhone is acceptable only until you meet the forceful nature of Rich Recording from the Nokia 808 PureView.

Also note that the guy with the Nokia 808 PureView seems to have been recording for 1 hour and 20 minutes! Zoom is in action but not helped by the jumping and hand waving.



Via: 808Recordings

Cheers EasycapExpertti for the heads up

Oh, as I replied to someone in the comments excusing the quality of the iPhone 5 because no one takes professional photos on a phone cam (or thus in this case professional recording)

Nobody takes professional shots with a phone camera? FALSE. Nokia 808 PureView is not just a phone camera. It’s rare, but you can take very high quality shots on a Nokia 808 PureView. The brilliance is that unlike my DSLR, I only ever need to bring the 808 that slides into my pocket. My DSLR? Ha. It’s nice to have the option of having great pictures all the time, and not, “oh I’ve only got my phone with me, this will have to do”.

I couldn’t even take this kind of audio recording with my DSLR if I wanted to. I’d need an external boom mic.

Here’s some Keane from MOA, Philippines.




Category: Nokia, Symbian, Video

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