

Nokia Lumia 920 tops PhoneHouse, France’s top 50 list – (pre-order available, wallpapered everywhere)

| October 17, 2012 | 0 Comments

I wasn’t aware there were pre-orders of any sort for the 920 in France. Perhaps this is based solely on interest. The Nokia Lumia 920 is at the top of a chart of 50 devices for, part of the retail chain, Carphone Warehouse, the largest retailer of phones in the whole of Europe.

This will have more significance if it had anything to do with sales and that the sales was a continued repeat performance over a few months. As of now, it’s just interesting. I still remember the 800 having the same story last year in France so I’m holding my breath even though the 920 is a much more competitive and genuinely interesting device.

Oh wait, I found a secondary tip from last week that says PhoneHouse France is indeed taking pre-orders. (via WMPU)


I don’t know if this is somehow suggesting pre-orders of the 920 are some how exceeding sales of the new iPhone. I’m sure that’s not the case. Also, it’s out of contract (free wireless charger).

Also note that PhoneHouse’s background has the Nokia Lumia 920 and fatboy wireless charger plastered everywhere.

Cheers Pökö and rishabh  for the tip.


Category: Lumia, Nokia

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