

SlashGear’s Nokia Lumia 920 Review, “clearly the most unique Windows Phone 8 experience”

| November 4, 2012 | 0 Comments

We saw a brief preview in SlashGear’s Nokia Lumia 920 first impressions post. Not long after that, we’ve got their full review.

Standing out amongst the crowd can often be a good thing, or you could stick out like a sore thumb as the one to avoid. Fortunately, I think there’s plenty of positive things in the Nokia Lumia 920 that, well, far outweighs 20 pennies.

I remember Nokia fans once screaming out for Nokia to include exciting features in their phones regardless of size/weight (to an extent) but the world has changed and no longer dominated by Nokia fans.

Nokia Lumia 920 represents not only the most unique WP8 experience but the best WP8 experience. But is the WP8 experience going to be compelling enough?


Category: Lumia, Nokia

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