

Videos: Capture the best shot with Nokia Lumia 820 with Smart Shoot (And 920 PureView promo)

| November 10, 2012 | 11 Replies


A couple of quick videos from Nokia.

First up, a Nokia Lumia 920 promo featuring bikes and bicycle parts.

Every day in every city around the world, people are pursuing their own adventures, big or small.

Whatever his subject, with the Nokia Lumia 920 and PureView technology, Michael can shoot at high quality in all conditions as he endeavours to create the perfect shot.

Now that there’s a pretty great camera in the Lumia 920, it’s actually worth talking about photos/videos this thing takes (As opposed to the previous gen lumias which should not have concentrated on imaging/videos).

Next up, not all about PureView but Nokia’s work with Scalado to get SmartShoot.



Category: Lumia, Nokia

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