

Video: Bluetooth NFC with Nokia Lumia 920 and Nokia Play 360 (Nokia Music)

| November 16, 2012 | 0 Comments

So I was expecting to go into settings to activate NFC like I did with the N9 (as it was turned off by default) but to my surprise, tapping the Play360 with the Nokia Lumia 920 asked if I wanted to pair. Once I said yes, it paired up and all future connections were made simply by tapping the NFC locations together.

It’s a small thing but NFC should be left on by default. I’ve said many times before that whilst it might sound like a geeky feature, it’s actually something Joe Average would find super useful – natural interactions in connecting devices (as you have seen when we demoed the N9 with a few other NFC devices).

Cheers reebi for the tip: You don’t even need to turn on the Nokia Play 360. Just tap the NFC enabled Nokia (e.g. Nokia Lumia 920) and it will turn it on and do its witchcraftiness! Niiice!


Category: Accessories, Lumia, Nokia

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