

Video: Nokia Lumia 822 for Verizon review

| November 23, 2012 | 0 Comments

Here’s PhoneArena’s video review of the Nokia Lumia 822 for Verizon.

  • Feels well made but slippery
  • Decent compact device
  • Uncluttered, simple, interactive, easy to use UI
  • Small text look pixelated, not as sharp as 920 but other than that, internet browsing is pretty good
  • Flash not supported
  • Not the best keyboard we’ve seen, doesn’t take up the full size (Use the damn thing for a while first before commenting! I thought it was silly not to take up the whole space but this keyboard is amazingly quick, accurate and the autocorrect is top notch.)
  • What a crazy, crazy comment that when in portrait, the physically smaller keyboard is a ‘decent’ size because it fits side to side. DUUUUDE. The keyboard is even smaller in landscape. What the duck are you talking about? It’s not all about having a physically larger keyboard but a usable one.
  • Keyboard not too terribly bad. WRONG. This keyboard is awesome.
  • I’m done watching.



Category: Lumia, Nokia

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