

Accessories: Brando’s Battery Extension Jacket for Nokia Lumia 920

| January 29, 2013 | 17 Replies

SEMCG013200_02_LWe mentioned before that Mugen was going to make a battery extension jacket for the Nokia Lumia 920. 


Well it appears Brando’s doing the same too, and actually has a product ready.


The case with the Nokia Lumia 920 doesn’t look that bad actually. I was expecting some hideous monstrosity but as some readers have said, it looks quite nice for this style of case  – from the front anyway (I know there are purists out there that wouldn’t dare put any case on their Nokias).

It also doubles up by having a kick stand and LED lights at the back (battery indicator). The capacity is 2200mAh, so that should at least double the life of your 920.


A question for some is will this work with induction charging. I’m not sure about the case itself, but I think it can charge the 920 through it as it’s not that thick (you do not need actual contact with a charging plate to charge your Lumia).

The best bit? it’s only about 37USD.  23.56GBP or 27.57 EUR.

Source: MobileTechReview Forums via WMPU




Category: Accessories, Lumia, Nokia

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