Lumiappnews: Assassin’s Creed and Earthworm Jim for Free now! + “SCRUFF” Gay social network coming soon to WP?
A couple of the latest app news at WPC.
First up, I fired up my Nokia Lumia 920 to get my hands on these freebies I’ve had Assassin’s Creed on my N8 and I just didn’t want to buy it all over again to play beyond the trial. But now it’s FREEE. So is Earthworm Jim – a pretty fun game.
I think some other games that were once paid Xbox Live apps also turned free some  days ago. I forgot which.
Secondly, something called “SCRUFF” (not sure what it means in this context) is apparently coming to Windows Phone. I’ve never heard about it before but it apparently already has 4 million members. WPC says there are other apps like this called Growlr (??) and Grindr (males for males/friends?). I think there’s also something called Blendr (general dating/friends?) and Brenda (females for females/friends?). From what I gather, they’re all a bit like Instragram in the social-picture sharing sense I guess, well, no I think they’re actually more about hooking up. Why not.  Valentine’s day soon. Unfortunately, none of those are in the store (and only “SCRUFF” on the coming soon list) but apparently there are already alternatives.
Cheers Dan for the tip!
Category: Applications, Lumia, Nokia
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