

Video: Nokia Asha 310 – Ready for everything with Easy Swap Dual SIM and Wi-Fi

| February 12, 2013 | 0 Comments

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Here’s another promo for the recently announced Nokia Asha 310. Loving that N9 swiping like thing going on with Asha touch.

Nokia Asha 310 smartphone ( is all about doing more. Up to 3 times more internet browsing on your existing data bundle, thanks to data compression from the cloud-powered Xpress Browser. More time with your friends on Facebook, Twitter and eBuddy. More of the world outdoors with Nokia Maps, pre-loaded to save data, enabling you to get from A to B and discover nearby points of interest. And more fun, thanks to YouTube, Redbull and 40 free EA games including best-sellers like FIFA, Tetris and Need for Speed.

Screen images are simulated and some sequences shortened.





Category: Asha, Nokia

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