

S40 browser making big gains in Finland?

| February 18, 2013 | 0 Comments

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Quick heads up. Janne has noticed that S40 has been making strange gains, all appearing to be at the cost of the other OSes; Windows Phone, Android and iOS.

I had always wondered why S40 browser wasn’t as high as it was in Finland. Perhaps now it’s being counted properly or there may be an error.


What is going on with StatCounter in Finland, I wonder. Series 40 has been making unrealistic gains in the recent days. I wonder if Xpress Browser proxy servers are located in Finland and StatCounter recently started counting proxied requests as originating from Finland…?

Series 40 attributed to 20.34% of mobile traffic in Finland yesterday, according to the “data”. Everyone else dropped respectively, with iOS dropping the most… Unless Asha became an overnight hit, something is way off here. 🙂

– Janne

Cheers Janne for the tip!



Category: Nokia

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