Windows Phone 7.8 Rollout Resumed; Live Tile Bug Hopefully Fixed

| March 14, 2013 | 0 Comments


After a brief pause in the WP7.8 rollout due to a bug that lead to some Live tiles crashing or not updating; @Nokiahelps has just tweeted that the rollout has been officially resumed. Hopefully that also means that more devices will get it, seeing how a lot of users are yet to revive it (including many At&t users who should have been the first to receive it).

So have you got it?


Category: Lumia, Nokia, update, Windows Phone

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Hey, my name's Ali- Currently a fifth (and final) year Dental Student from Chicago; studying in Jordan. I love all sorts of gadgets almost as much as I love my cookies! Be sure to follow my Twitter handle @AliQudsi and Subcribe to my Youtube for the latest videos - no pressure. Thanks.