

N9Appdates: Twitter for Nokia N9 Updated – v1.3.90

| March 25, 2013 | 0 Comments

Screen Shot 2013-03-25 at 19.45.15We got a tip from Shaun that Twitter for the Nokia N9 has been updated:

Nokia today officially released an update for the Twitter application on the n9.

v1.3.90+0m8 should appear in your application updates. It presumably uses the new twitter API and it seems to fix a few UI glitches too.

Note, the image is from an older post indicating an update for the 950 (with N9 coming soon after). That was version 1.3.67, the one available for the n9 now is apparently 1.3.90.

Cheers Shaun!


Category: Applications, MeeGo, Nokia

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