

Leakyleak: Sleek New Nokia Ashas (N9 Minis?)

| April 1, 2013 | 0 Comments

Screen Shot 2013-04-01 at 14.27.27Narrowing the gap further between the colourful Lumia and foundation Asha handsets come these colourful new Ashas that were said to be like ‘mini N9s’

Evleaks says:

Remember that Nokia Asha design language preview?

Check out the home button which seems to be a back button too. All these rectangular rounded corners looks a tad iThingy though that comparison has been done to death with every rectangle/round corner device now.

Update: We are told there are two devices, one with a physical button the other with capacitive. 

If the back is like we saw before, it’ll be very N9/Lumia/Fabula filled.

Interaction wise, it’ll be full of Swipe and other things from the N9.

Source: evleaks

Cheers Matiz and Muerte for the tip!



Category: Nokia

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