

Nokia Lumia 720 Sample Images from main and front camera (wide angle)

| April 3, 2013 | 0 Comments



Check out these image samples from the very awesome Nokia Lumia 720. Quite a performer for a mid-range device, no?

Check out the low light flash photo below.That’s not bad at all. Colours all looking pretty natural. That f/1.9 aperture and 6.7MP sensor is helping a lot. As you saw from Ali’s comparison, the mid-range 720 rivals even the low light of the ultraboasting HTC One. 

720back4_tb 720back2_tb

This one is most surprising. This is from the front camera. Not bad at all. That extra wide angle f/2.4 aperture camera captures more of you in the picture. Something called a 4-element-lens apparently allows for sharper pictures. It’s not a typical thing for folks to use the front cam for anything other than video calling.

I must admit to having used the front camera myself with some friends to take some funny poses (as it was easy to see the odd faces we were pulling on the viewfinder). Most recently Dawn Richards was seen using the front camera to share photos with her followers (supposedly). The last time self portraits were this fun was either on the N93(i) and N90 (with their swivel cameras, using the main camera for photos).


Nokia also released a pretty cool Lens for WP8 called Glam Me, specifically made for front camera use.

The wide-angle doesn’t really interfere with portrait shots.



But as seen above, if you wanted to, you can fit a whole group in.


Source: AAWP Via: Reddit



Category: Lumia, Nokia

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