

MNB Reader generated: Skype Ban Lifted from UAE

| April 9, 2013 | 0 Comments


One of our readers Vineet contacted us with an interesting piece of information, for the past few years most forms of VOIP contact have been blocked in UAE (to the great benefit of carriers there). Apparently the ban on Skype in the UAE has finally been lifted which should make for interesting changes in regards to Windows Phone’s deep integration of Skype services (which you can conveniently check out in the video below).

So Etisalat (the largest operator in the UAE duopoly – n the Goliath to Du’s David) unblocked Skype. Thus far, there was a blanket ban on VoIP services which adversely affected MS and Nokia since Skype is soon becoming the centrepiece of all communication in all of MS’s products (Xbox, Win8, RT, WP etc)

This is especially relevant in light of the fact that the new Z10s don’t work with the BIS plans. UAE is a BB dominated market purely due to BBM (in turn due to BIS).


Category: Lumia, Nokia, Video, Windows Phone

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