

Video: Indigo Voice controlled Personal Assistant for WP

| April 21, 2013 | 0 Comments

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In this video, WPC looks at a third-party app with enhanced voice commands like Ask-Ziggy.

Now, the built in voice commands in WP8 have been improved slightly over WP7.5 but we’d definitely welcome some more versatility, such as being able to set alarms or initiate tracks or even enabling the features shown by Indigo below. The speech patterns and input appear to be very natural, with Rich speaking in a regular conversational tone as you would a person vs a computer.

Now as a quick reminder, we know that MS has boosted Tell Me’s accuracy, so that speech recognition works in many more situations, eliminating/reducing input error. Perhaps in addition to bringing better voice commands, MS might also bring system wide dictation by voice?

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Source: WPC


Category: Lumia, Nokia

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