

MyDreamNokia #90: Welcome to the Future – Surface N – impossibly thin WP with 4K Holographic screen, Lytro camera…

| May 12, 2013 | 0 Comments

surface n

Talk about pushing boundaries. Whilst this is completely unrealistic to appear this year, it’s not totally impossible in the future.

This is called the Windows Phone Surface N. I’m going to pretend the N is for Nokia and not Nova. It is designed by KuanGaa Chen.

It has a 4K holographic screen for presenting cool things or more practical things like 3D maps, 4K recording, emotion theme bezel (pretty cool, change your lumia colours on the go) and a lytro camera. We know Nokia’s trying to add lytro-style imaging in future Lumias. You can even try a simulated lytro on your lumia already with this app, Refocus.

Changeable edge colours. Colourful phones screen Nokia 😀3


Very little bezel on the front. The WP buttons are still there though (vs on screen)4

Here’s their notification centre. A swipe from the main tiles (which oddly seem WP7.5 and not 8 though they are a lot more ‘active’ in the sense that video is being shown in tiles). It’s clean and very Metro.


The app menu seems better organised.

The lytro camera.6 7

It’s in video form so it looks even more swish and fancy.

Source: Cullen Sun·

Via: WPC Via: indiewindows Via:  reddit



Category: Concept, Dream Nokia, Lumia, Nokia, Windows Phone

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