

Weekend Watch: Mark Reviews the Nokia Lumia 928

| May 25, 2013 | 0 Comments

Screen Shot 2013-05-25 at 11.09.57Mark Guim from TheNokiaBlog reviews the Nokia Lumia 928 on Video.

To summarize this review, I think the Nokia Lumia 928 is the best Windows Phone 8 device out right now and also the best Nokia device right now. I said the exact same thing when I reviewed the Nokia Lumia 920, but the 928 has a few improvements. It improves on the camera flash with xenon and it is also available on the very reliable and fast Verizon LTE network.

If you’re an Android or iPhone user looking to switch, the Windows Phone 8 experience feels refreshing. Many of your favorite apps are also showing up in the Windows phone store. The app selection may not be as big as Android or iPhone right now, but it is getting better each day.

In this review, I talked about some of the important features on the Nokia Lumia 928, but I think a major selling point is the price. The suggested price is only $99 with contract, but keep watching Amazon. You can get it cheaper there. Those who do not want to sign up for 2 year contracts can buy the phone for $499.

If you have any questions for this device, ask away in the comments section below. If you LIKED this review, please click on the THUMBS UP button!




Category: Lumia, Nokia

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