

Nokia hinting at yet another event, September 19, 2013? – Schedule a time for being awesome?

| June 24, 2013 | 0 Comments

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Nokia loves to tease, and Nokia fans love to speculate. It’s a perfect match.

On Nokia’s facebook page, they posted the image above last Thursday wondering what people might be doing this weekend. It said, schedule a time for being awesome. Some folks noticed that the calendar mentions being awesome as an event on the calendar for the 19th of September 2013, at 12:00pm.

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Could it be another Nokia Event? September is the usual time for Nokia World. Has that been resumed since postponing last year? Or is it availability of EOS? Or availability of a major update?

What could it be? Or merely nothing 🙂

The location noted here is Stockholm, but that’s current location not the location of the future ‘event’.

Source:  facebook


Thanks Anthony for the tip!


Category: Lumia, Nokia

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