

TheVerge: Nokia selling more Lumias than Blackberry selling phones

| July 18, 2013 | 0 Comments

Screen Shot 2013-07-18 at 12.53.37From todays results, TheVerge notes that Nokia’s ‘Record’ 7.4 million Nokia Lumias beats BlackBerry’s shipment volumes.

Nokia’s smartphone portfolio consists now of just Windows Phone, aka Lumia. The Symbian segment is negligible now and the Asha isn’t considered as a smartphone. The upward trend for Nokia Lumia continues upwards, bolstered by highly praised entry level handsets such as the 520/620.

You could say that BB is still ramping up. Out of their last quarter sales, just 2.7M were BBOS.

Expectations for Q3 from our readers estimates between 8-8.5M, 10M for Q4 2013. There’s one more major announcement for Nokia Lumia (possibly?) which may not be available early enough to impact Q4, but the likes of the 1020 should definitely gain some worldwide attention as the first mass market 41MP camera (808 unfortunately did not get the same availability or awareness given Nokia’s shift to WP). Hopefully that does create the expected ‘halo effect’ onto the rest of Nokia’s portfolio. Early indications seem positive.

The fight between BB and WP/Lumia is even more interesting because they’re currently fighting for third place. In sales, with the ‘assistance’ of the other OEMs, the WP numbers to rise ever so slightly more so compared to BB.

Fingers crossed an October announcement from MS gives a good surprise for WP users. Or at least give us some form of a worthy update this year.

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Cheers to Janne for the heads up


Category: Lumia, Nokia

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