

Stephen Elop on Nokia Lumia 1020 adaptive oversampling and image quality (vs 808) more controls in future updates

| July 23, 2013 | 0 Comments

MNB IMG_0601Lumia 1020 vs 808 pureview nokia


Quite a few inside linkbacks to this post, but another reason to point out is that Stephen Elop replied to one of our commenters through email regarding the ‘issue’ some seem to have with perceived ‘noise’ on the Nokia Lumia 1020 vs the Nokia 808 PureView in certain situations. Whilst there isn’t yet a comprehensive camera comparison between the two, we shall just have to take the words of those who have some experience with these devices.

Furthermore, to calm the waters, I think we ought to celebrate the best cameraphones being Nokias. Right now, Nokia Lumia 1020 is competing against the iPhone and Galaxy S series. Not anything internal anymore like the N8 or 808, so whilst it’s great to inspect for progression, we should not forget that our flagship aims to battle the flagship of the competition. For example, how in this scenario, look how the Nokia Lumia 1020 demolishes an iPhone 5.

Anyway, onto Stephen Elop’s email. He’s famous for getting back to people to email him.


The oversampling in 1020 is much more advanced than in 808. In 1020, the oversampling is adaptive so that we prioritize the high amount of details in bright light, and we prioritize the low noise in low light.

This means that in bright light our 5MP images have higher sharpness and bit higher noise than 808. On the other hand, in low light our images use similar low noise tech. that we have in 808. The background for this implementation is that the subjective image quality tends to be limited by sharpness in bright light and noise in low light.

While we believe that this is exactly the right thing to do, I have also noticed that it has caused some confusion among the users. Naturally the parameters are fully tunable in future software updates if needed.””

Hope this helps

Parameters fully tunable in future software updates. Those currently complaining that there’s no sharpness control or some other controls missing, perhaps that will appear in future software updates.

Cheers Taras for sharing the email and to Mystp for the tip!


Category: Lumia, Nokia

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