

MobileTechReview: Nokia Lumia 1020 – “Wow! This is as good as my Digital SLR! Crazy amount of detail, Wow, Stunning!”

| July 24, 2013 | 0 Comments

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It’s the turn of Lisa from MobileTechReview to review the Nokia Lumia 1020. On the

camera she’s really impressed with that 41MP PureView camera. “Crazy detail” and does great job with colours and contrast. Photos looking “wow, awesome”. Macro is so sharp and so stunning. “Can you see that?! I mean, hah! This is as good as my Digital SLR!“. All this in Auto Settings except in some indoor situations.

BOOM. You may argue on the technicalities but for a seasoned professional like Lisa to even consider that comment let alone say it on her review.

Looking at a silver jaguar, Lisa says this often causes difficulty when snapping in other cameras where it whites out and loses detail, but no we have plenty of detail. You can see the details on the xenon headlight easily, you can see reflections and you can read the hubcap!

“Really an ingenious way to work with zooming”

It makes me happy to see that what Nokia fans loved in the 808 is slowly going to be brought to the masses. This brings something new. Reframing pictures to find a picture within a picture that you never would have considered before or would otherwise have missed.

I’m on a train with patchy signal so I’ve only gotten half way.

Is it a great camera phone? It’s a stunning camera phone and keeps things small unlike the galaxy S4 Zoom.


Cheers Chris Wayne for the tip


Category: Nokia

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