#Recap! #ZoomReinvented And the Peeps at Nokia’s NYC event
Here’s an image recap featuring the peeps we saw at NYC for the #ZoomReinvented event!
These were some of the most awesome folks ever, and half of the excitement at these events as well as the new device launch, is getting to meet and talk with them.
I’m terrible with names. Feel free to help me name that Nokian.
Getting to the hotel.

Here’s me. Photo by Sam J Pullen and his Nokia Lumia 925. Rocking the #TeamYellow Nokia Purity Pros, on the way the hotel

Hudson Hotel, Sam J Pullen comparing room sizes
Going to evening get together, near Times Square

@KoreanDoll (Angela Ricardo), @SamJPullen and @ClintonJeff

With KatieB!

CJ with Nirave!

Mark Guim joins 🙂
Posh inside!
Mirror selfie, getting ready for the event next morning.
MyNokiaBlog tag 🙂
Event…waiting outside

Isn’t that Rajiv Makhni from ND-TV?

Cheers Jklee for the photo!
Ooh, saw this on CJ’s album after looking for a different photo. It’s the keynote area 🙂

CJ’s pic, unleashthephones.com. Sitting with @jklee. A bit early. Just getting ready, lights still on.
After the keynote, rushing to the demo section

Kellie from Nokia. Kellie Marks was awesome! We had a long chat and she let us have her personal 1020 to take snaps of as well as giving us some great demoes on camera (quite a few still to go up)

Ina Fried, All things Digital. As I finished the first round of photo taking of the 1020, I wandered over, tired and hungry to Sam J Pullen chanting, where’s the food, where’d the food? I didn’t realise at first the person who directed me to the grub was none other than Ina Fried from ATD.

Nokia Sound Guys! Hanna Kankkunen, Heikki Sassi and [______]

Nokia Lab, Carl Zeiss and Nokia (plus the Camera Man in the back who recorded the 1020 zoom reinvented promo on the 1020)

THE Rafe Blandford with the 41MP beasts!

Tejal Patel, Digital & e-commerce marketing specialist nOKIA

Jens Eggert

Juha Alakarhu and Eero Salmenin!

Arto Vahnaven

Pekka Kokko
There was a blogger session at 4 to see Juha and Eero talk about the Nokia Lumia 1020 and the camera innovations inside.

Waiting to go into the blogger session. I didn’t notice until after looking at the photos that WPC’s Daniel Rubino was right in the middle of the shot. Had to zoom in to confirm the name badge. Thank goodness for name badges.

MsJen and her 808.
Zoom party predrinks

Chris Weber!

Chris Weber is such a cool guy! Thanks to you guys out there, MNB is noticed and recognized by Nokia’s EVP of Nokia Sales and Marketing



With Eric!

This is Jenny Schroder! We had a long conversation about Nokia’s new approaches in marketing, the effectiveness of the new keynote and Nokia’s Here Maps platform.

Cool Nokia Guy, we talked about how proud Nokia was that day. Unfortunately lost the business card and didn’t get to take a photo of the name badge.

Yay, MsJen 🙂

John Pope – Director of Communications at Nokia, and Tiina Jaatinen, Editor in Chief of NokConv

Leaving next morning.
We’re wearing some PureView 41mp shirts 🙂

Pic by Nirave from UKMobileReview.com. CJ has a photo of this but with his 808. Not sure if that’s up anywhere.
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